Receiving a poor health diagnosis is stressful enough, make sure you understand the steps you should take next

Selecting Power of Attorney of Your Health Care
Now that your health is at risk, it is important you select the proper Power of Attorney. You need to consider all the possibilities of your future, then outline what you want to see happen. Next, select a Power of Attorney that will honor all of these wishes. In some cases, your spouse may not be the best person for this position. You may want to consider selecting an objective third party.
Qualifying for Medicaid
Medicaid long-term care assistance may be an option. But it can be difficult to fully understand all the guidelines. An experienced Elder Law and Estate Planning attorney is key to qualifying for benefits and protecting your spouse at the same time. Together you can identify exempt and countable assets, then complete and file all the necessary paperwork. Don’t navigate this system on your own. Let an Elder Law attorney be your guide.
Exploring VA Benefits
If you are an honorably discharged veteran from a ‘war-time’ period, you may qualify for help from the VA. There is an underutilized benefit called Aid and Attendance that provides money to those who need assistance performing everyday tasks. Even if you think your income would make you ineligible for aid, there’s a chance you can still qualify. Explore the possibilities with an attorney accredited with the VA today.
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