Now is the time to start caring for your children again by updating your Estate Planning documents

Protecting Your Assets – and Your Children
If you already have an Estate Plan in place think about when is was last updated. Have you added more assets and wealth to your possessions since then? Are the Fiduciaries you named still your first choice for whom should act on your behalf? Now is the time to take another look through your documents to ensure everything is accurate. And, if you have yet to establish an Estate Plan for your family, don’t put it off any longer. Start the process now.
Considering Long-term Care Options
The time to start thinking about long-term care options is when you are healthy. Don’t wait until you need it. As you grow older, the chance of needing an assisted living facility or a nursing home increases. There are things you can do now to make sure your family is protected. Put together your long-term care plan today so you’ll be prepared for tomorrow.
Planning For a Possible Divorce of Your Child
You plan to leave your assets to your children once you are gone. If you want to ensure that your inheritance belongs solely to them – and not seen as a marital asset in a possible divorce – explore creating a Trust to guard your child’s inheritance. This way, you will be protecting your children long after you pass.